Wednesday 15 April 2009

Should Internet Pornography be Banned?

(photo courtesy:

"Internet Pornography is an online predator. It features sexually candid materials on the web and allows an individual to view streaming pornographic videos. It is a worldwide phenomenon and one of the fastest growing threats in the society today."

That is what i had read over breakfast table few days ago which was being featured in a magazine. It got my attention and I read it closely. Me in particular had experienced peeking at those sites myself, curiosity got me and bingo.. i got virus in my computer. Those are sites which really get you into a shock stage where you could ask yourself.... is this really true? Is this really happening? What i am referring here are the sites featuring bestiality's and extreme sexual performances which u would think is gruesomely depicted... and i confessed this has made me curious... and before it could corrupt me.. i had put my computer in a high security mode against these sites.. it not only drive me crazy, it brought virus to my computer and cost me allot of money to fix it.

Like drug abuse, Internet Pornography is addicting. However, banning it is next to impossible i think because the whole Internet system isn't managed by a single individual or company so we say.. it is truly uncontrollable. Pornography could corrupt the mind, pollutes the soul and defiles the body. Porn addiction is a question about morality. It has a greater involvement in deviant sexual practices like bestiality's and sorts. Exposure to graphics with explicit sex scenes and lewd acts leave disturbing imprints on the mind. Such exposure urges men and women to engage in extreme kinky sexual activities and orgies within and outside marriage bonds.

I had chatted with a guy who had confessed to me about their sexual activities with his wife, which involves the Internet through mutual masturbation and watching his wife masturbate on screen watched by men masturbating, gives pleasure to him which is strange way of satisfying one's craving for sex . Their activities involves not only Internet masturbation but also sexual orgies with guys his wife brought home for sex sessions. It is not only an issue of decency and morality I am talking about here but a cycle of bad activities within and outside marriages.

Internet pornography is ringing an alarm because technically, it will continue to stay as long as there are people who patronize it... and who could tell how porn would constantly morph into something as tech winds shift? It seems that, if neglected, the freeway to Cyberspace may lead to unguided minds of adults and children alike to a most dangerous path.

It is our common responsibility to create a culture where children are protected and human sexuality and relationship are valued. My challenge is, Should Internet pornography be banned?

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